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Real-time Projects

Real-time Projects

Education is incomplete without the practical experience of academic knowledge. The school believes that all humans are innately good and capable. We just forget to believe in ourselves because of a lack of confidence in what we are doing. Through this creative workshops and real-time projects, the school is creating a platform ‘to learn by doing’. The school gives projects loans to the children to purchase and meet various overheads in their projects that are up to their age standards.

A revolutionary approach of enhancing the standard of education for the scholars at Saraswathi Vidyalai is to integrate them in Real Time organizations right from the time their education begins. Providing students a chance to experience world and face realistic challenges.  These projects are designed to do in a virtual environment that exactly replicates the exposure in any corporate company. Thus giving a chance to the child to know what exactly is happening in the industrial world and implement that in their academics practically. This makes them stand-out in the competitive world.

After all, the main motive of education is to provide good employment and stability in life, these projects will teach them all the essential qualities of a corporate world :